Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Grandparents Special - Part 2

Grandparents were invited to sit on the Hot Seat and share their favourite things with us. Here are some interesting things we found out about them - they are retired and find enough time to indulge in doing their favourite things like playing golf, cycling, fitness and baby sitting ( Boy sitting, this is what one of  my angels liked to be called!)

                                                         Grandparents on Hot Seat!

"I like cycling with my mates."

"I love fitness."

On how old are you?       "I am 25 years old."

"Me too"

"I play golf on Wednesdays with my friends"

"I was a solicitor" 

" I retired as a nurse and I love spending  time with my Grand children."

On what do solicitors do?  "Oh, it is hard to explain . They help people with  paper work. " Grandma tell us some more. 

Little Angels were very impressed and were in awe of their lovely Nanas and Koros.

After that we spent some time by doing things together. Their happiness and enthusiasm was seamless. Here are some special moments!


"Happy 25th Birthday, Grandparents" quipped on of my Angels.

"Nana Mckay blow the candles out please!"



" Strawberry shake is delicious"

Mrs. Wattie engaged with our lovelies.

"This jelly fish stung me. "


The most wonderful day ever. Thank-you Grandparents.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

THANK-YOU Lovely Grandparents - Part 1

A memorable day! We were so lucky to spend time with our amazing Nanas, Grandmas, Grandpas and Koro.
Children were very excited and enjoyed doing different activities with them. - reading their poems, stories, drawing, creating things with play dough and building. Very special and memorable moments. Grandparents were filled with pride when their little Angels read simile poems written for them. We also invited our special guests to take Hot Seat and tell us about themselves.  Room 9 got interested to find out how old their Nanas and Granddads were. And guess what? We found out that they were all 25! ( It was a relief to know that I am not the only one who.......)

Our room was filled with  fun and laughter. Thank -you Grandparents for taking some time out to spend with us. A glance through our special day....

We did not know that Grandparents also put Big number in their head.

So, have you worked it out Koro?

                                                                                 Sharing Simile Poems

Waiting for her feedback.  Children were able to say - what they need to work on and what they did really well.
Part -2 tomorrow because IT is playing up and I am unable to upload photos. Part 2 - Grandparents on Hot Seat and much more....



Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week Three Term 4

Welcome to Week 3. Main events -

Tuesday -    Grandparents Day - ( 9.00 - 11. 20) Grandparents are invited to attend assembly and join us in Jump Jam. After that they will come with us to our classroom and have some extra special moments with their Grand Angels. We have written simile poems and have made beautiful portraits. Morning Tea for our amazing guests in the Library.

Wednesday -   Gymnastics - (9.00 -10.45) Please bring your child to school at 8.45. Parent Helpers we need you. Thanks.

Speeches - I am....   We are focussing on expressions and clear voice to be a good speaker. ( We talked about  how we can  practice in front of mirror and use props like comb or hairbrush as

Pacifica Day ( Week 7) - Our class has buddied up three other  classrooms and we have chosen  Tonga as our country. Can we please have things significant to Tongon culture - pictures, maps or artefacts to decorate our classroom. Thanks.

I hope that's all.

Lazy Teacher's Class in Operation after the Term Break.

You know teacher's biggest fear after the term break is - how to get them back into routines, learning etc. But I am a fortunate Lazy Teacher who did not have to worry. My hard working angels were straight into their learning and class routines.

Let me tell you one funny thing - My students think I am a Lazy teacher because I just teach them and poor angels have to do all the hard work - they do everything, Reading, Writing and Maths. 

So I told them " I did hard work when I was a student, so I could be a lazy ...."

Here are my children  in action after the holidays.  ALL BY THEMSELVES, no teacher instructions. How cool is that!

A day with St. John's.

We were lucky to have st. John's in our school. Children learnt when  and who to call for help when they are hurt (Big or Little hurt) or are in danger. They  role played and practiced to tie bandages on their partners.

Mark and his Mini Ambi.

Two apprentice to help Mark.

Role play  -On Big hurt - Who should we call if a person is hurt badly?

"Thank-you , It is not hurting any more!"

A doctor in making.

"Are you sure it will not come off?"

You too, Mate!
Oh yeah, boys will be boys.