Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Week 2 Maths Week

We are doing everything  MATHS - reading, writing, talking and drinking. They wanted to go and
drink H2O. Yeah, it was fun. Even Miss Dallow's cute pup Lola was trying to read 100 words.

"Let us make a prediction, Lola"
"I can do all these tricks."

"Point to the words" 

" Get your mouth ready"

                                "And sound it out. Good job Lola."  Miss Dallaw will be so proud of you.

Book Week

Character Poster  Competition  Winners.

Good Job!
It is fun wearing bags in the front!

Trying so hard to wear her shoes backwards, Oh dear it is so hard.

Week 1's Book Week's Highlights

We kicked off first week of the term with Book Week and 100 days at the school activities. Book week was culminated with character  dress parade, it is amazing to see what ideas little ones come up with.

We are here to Rock!

I wonder who ......?

Buzzing Bee and The princess

Mini Zoo