Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week 7

This week in Maths we are focussing on - 

Subtraction -  Mathematical Language - key words like how many more, less, left behind, minus, minus sign , counting back, say the number before, 

Calendar Maths - focus will be on fractions - 'th', numbers and the words, and sharing equally in halves and quarters.

In Reading we are working on -

Decoding unknown words by finding the chunks /blends and 'little words' 
Looking at the beginning, middle and ending sounds

Some of the groups are focussing on comprehension strategies - 

Questions to ask before you read 
Can you predict what the story might be about?
What makes you think that?
What does the title tell you about the book?
Have you ever felt this way or or does the topic or the picture relate to you? ( it is making connections.)

Questions to ask while you read 
What do you think will happen next?
What is the problem in the book?
What has happened in the story so far? 
What was the beginning of the story?
What happened in the middle of the story?
Has it ever happened to you?
Can you tell me a word/words that has the same meaning as.....? or What other word/s  can you use instead of this word? 

Questions to ask after you have read
Were  your predictions about the story correct?
What was your favourite part of the story?
Can you retell the story in order?
Why do you think the author wrote this story/book?
If you could one thing about the story what would that be?

(Last week we worked on a word and I said "these words have the same meaning and they are called synonyms". There is no harm to introduce your child with proper words, their young minds are very receptive to new information. Do not underestimate these little ones.)

Enjoy Reading!

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