Sunday, June 12, 2016

Maths Workshop Feedback

Thank-you to those parents who took some time out of their busy schedule to feed back on the Maths work shop. Thank-you Mariko and Jenni. ( Jenni I will upload the video)

Thanks for sharing the work, Mrs Dhillon.
The math workshop was awesome. It was great to see how children have been learning and to know how we can encourage them to practice more.
I would like to attend if you provide any workshop in the future again😊 Thank you so much!

Mariko Yoshizaki

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  1. Thanks so much Mrs Dhillion and Ms Christie for the numeracy session. It is great to understand the strategies and terminology you are using so that we can reinforce these at home. Thanks also Mrs Dhillion for always making yourself available before and after school to chat. It's much appreciated as we know how busy you are.

    1. Ops - forgot to add that the above thank you note was from Anna (Finn's Mum)
