Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Room 9 Astronauts

Some children were lucky to go into space! Thank-you Mrs.Byfield for making these children's trip memorable.

Stardome Visit

Children were excited. They loved learning about the stars and the planets. Room 9 enjoyed doing quiz and were so thrilled to find answers and to find out how much they would weigh on the moon.
Yes ! It was Room 9 teams who were the first to finish their quiz. No, it was not me. These were led by our lovely parents who volunteered to come with us. Lovely Jenni(Dylan's Mum) and kind Dan (Maeghan's Dad).
Our lovely Mrs. Byfield took some of Room 9 children as well. Thank-you Claire!

Thank-you Jenni and Dan
Waiting at Stardome!

                                                             Learning about day and night.

Welcome to Term Two

We have lots of exciting things  happening in term 2.
Swimming every Friday ( We started swimming and sports in the  first week of  of May)
Dancing for sports 
Visit to Stardome (27th May)
Matariki Celebration and lots more!  (June)