Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Room 9 visited by a unicorn

We are learning to write descriptive writing and add interesting details to our writing. It all started with little treasures ( a piece of chewed up string, a leaf, twig, feather, acorn and skater shells) collected by my little angels for me during their break time. I cherish their little surprises for me and put them in a special basket. And we have  recently started using them for writing. Our first descriptive writing was on a twig. Wow, It did the magic! Who would have thought a mere twig would generate so much interest.
Then one of our little friends brought her unicorn to share with us. We loved describing it.

Super writers and speakers

We love writing and sharing our stories. We wear super glasses to read our super stories.                                                                                          

Monday, March 14, 2016

 Hi Whanau,

We have the first of our Reading Together workshops beginning soon. These sessions are aimed at helping readers of all abilities and ages. 
The sessions include how to help with reading at home, how to check the difficulty level of reading materials and how to help your child overcome problems in their reading. 

There will be 3 sessions on Thursday mornings beginning on the 24th of March, March 31st and 7th of April from 9-10.30 am.You can sign up at the office.

It would be great to have you there!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

EOTC - Education Outside The Classroom

Week 4 was full of action and creativity. We got to experience and learn lots of new skills -  tying knots, building huts, exploring gully and finding bugs, treasure hunting, obstacle course and above all roasting marshmallows to make smores was just amazing. 

Getting ready for the big day!

Learning to tie knots with Mr. Rogers.

Exploring Gully.

Looking for a juicy bug.

Yeah! Found it. 
Reflecting and drawing our favourite part of the day.

                                     We will share our drawings on the next post.